
Driving Test Penrith

The driving test Penrith is conducted by Services NSW which is located at 333 High Street Penrith. The test starts in High street and is expected to take 45 minutes to complete. There is restricted parking at the front of the building for driving test vehicles. You will need to supply your own car. Make sure you arrive on time for your driving test, unfortunately some miss the test because they are late. Your test booking tells you that you need to be at the test centre 15 minutes before the test is due to start.

Driving Test Penrith


As a driving instructor I have had students do the driving test at the old test centre in Batt street Penrith and the new test centre. The primary difference is that the new test tracks start in finish in the main street of Penrith. This means that your test may take longer than the allotted 45 minutes. This is due to the extra traffic and some tests have been know to take an hour to complete. The good news is you do not drive any further in the test. You just spend more time in traffic.

In addition to spending more time in traffic you will also spend more time at busy roundabouts than other test centres in the region. Consequently you will need to ensure that you are good at driving in traffic including lane changing and gap selection. It will help you to have a good understanding of how they mark these things in the driving test.

The best person to help you prepare for the driving test at Penrith is a driving instructor who knows the local area.

Learner Driving Test Penrith

Each driving test in NSW is marked to the same standards as every other driving test. The examiner follows the same rules and applies the same standards regardless of the test location. However each test location has different road conditions and levels of traffic. In Penrith you have more roundabouts with high traffic volume. This means you need to be good at decision making and gap selection in Penrith. If you can not pick the gaps at a roundabout you can fail the driving test.

In essence the examiner wants to see:

  • You can maintain proper control of the motor vehicle in all situations
  • That you can manoeuvre the car safely in a variety of situations
  • That you can drive safely
  • You understand and obey the various road rules

When you book at driving test at Penrith you will be required to hand in your paperwork 15 minutes prior to the start of the test. This is the same as any other test location. However because the Services NSW building is located in the main street of Penrith it can be difficult to get parking. This has resulted in tests being cancelled because the learner driver did not arrive on time.

Prior to the commencement of the driving test at Penrith the examiner will conduct a safety inspection of the motor vehicle. This is common to all driving test regardless of the test location. Make sure the car is road worthy and up to the standards required by the Roads & Maritime Services. A lot of cars fail this safety check and that results in the test being terminated.

Preparing for the test

There are certain elements of driving that need to be learnt before attempting and driving test. These include things like

  1. Speed Management
  2. Buffering and crash avoidance spaces
  3. Knowing the road rules and how to apply them
  4. Blind spot checks and required observation checks
  5. Road position and cornering

In addition to these basic skills each test centre has specific skills that you will be tested on to a greater degree than other test centres. You will need to identify those additional skills and make sure you learn them before your driving test. The best way to learn these skills is to book a driving lesson with a local driving instructor. The reality is that our local driving instructors specialize in the driving test at Penrith. We have many years experience and a thorough understanding of what is in the Driving Test at Penrith

Practice Driving Test Penrith

Take a practice driving test with Learn to Drive. Find out how the examiners mark the driving test. Compare your driving to the standards required to pass the driving test in Penrith.

You should only book a practice driving test after you have already had a driving lesson. The purpose of a practice test is to find out if you can drive properly under exam conditions. Penrith has a lot of test tracks and each test track tests you on different elements of driving. there are too many test tracks for you to try and memorize them. But if you know how to drive to the required standard you will be able to pass the test, regardless of the test track you are assigned on the day of your test.

Another good way to prepare for the driving test in Penrith is to complete the Safer Drivers Course Penrith. This course will help you to become better at identifying and managing hazards.

RTA Driving Test

The Roads and Traffic Authority (RTA) was the government agency responsible for conducting driving tests in New South Wales. This was replaced by the Roads & Maritime Services which in turn was replaced by Transport for NSW.

Therefore when you do anything relating to driving licenses you are now dealing with Transport for NSW. Licensing tests are usually conducted at a services NSW office by Transport for NSW.

NSW Drivers Licence Test

In order to progress to a full drivers license in NSW you will be required to pass a series of tests. This process is known as the graduated licensing scheme.

  1. Learner License test or Driver Knowledge Test
  2. Hazard Perception Test, this is a computer based test that you must pass before you can book the actual on-road driving test
  3. Provisional Driving Test – you will need to pass this on-road driving test to be issued with a P1 drivers license